Originally Posted by inciarco
I Confirm this Bug with FireFox, I'm using the Latest Version 3.5.2).
On Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 6, it Works Fine and Displays the Images Well.
I think it should be something in the Coding that makes the Flash Player Application not to be 100% Compatible with FireFox.
I Hope it can be Fixed because Most Persons Use Firefox Today.
My Best Regards.

Permissions on the images folder and its contents, make sure they are readable. IE seems to work around it somehow, likely in the way it sends the request. But when FF sends the request it gets a 403 error, and you don;t get a image. Same thing would happen if you tried to go to the image directly.
The other possible cause is server setup. If your server has some .htaccess rules that attempt to prevent hotlinking that could also lead to this. If your permissions are correct, ask your host why those images aren't accessible and why the server is returning a 403 error.