There is some valid sentiment in both posts.
Originally Posted by sheep92032
Beware of this plugin. Someone found a way to donate without paying on my site. If you're using it to give some kind of service, always check Paypal.
Paypal has the ability to send back a confirmation of payment. I don't see why this plugin can't use it.
This isn't the right way to present your hopes and dreams for a plugin. As the plugin stands, it does a good job and it works correctly. Plus it is both freely coded and freely supported so you should check your attitude at the door.
Originally Posted by MjrNuT
Huh? This plugin is not responsible for someone knowing your paypal email to submit a payment. Its only able to track any payments that are done through its panel. Nothing more.
Using it for a service, was never a claim by CYB. Learn 2 read so that you understand what to expect and not toss crap at the author.
I do remember that there used to be a donation plugin that worked with Paypal's IPN service and I loved it because I did not have to manually check my paypal email and tick off the correct donations.
It would be awesome if cyb's did this, but I'm just happy anyone is maintaining a great solution for the newest version of vBulletin, and it works.