Originally Posted by Vinyljunky
Well said :up:
I think political correctnes has gone way too far as well  Im disabled and some people are too nervous to speak to me in fear of saying the wrong thing 
Nothing Wrong with Disabled people, Just shows how we take being abled bodied for granted.
As for the Do Gooders that seem to spring up everywhere nowdays, who regulates them?? and what right do they have to tell us what or not to believe in.
Only in the UK have we got Councils chopping down apple trees in open parkland, in case an apple falls on someone and hurts them. And lets not forget the do gooders that Cancel "Christmas Celebrations, and lights" , because it might upset other religions??
The UK is predominately a Christian country, whilst the Do gooders are attcking the christian faith at the result of the minority, who actually tells them what they are doing is the way forward?? But worst of all, Who speaks out for the christians!!
Its a funny old world and its getting worst