Originally Posted by Whatah
great great great mod, members really love it!
and another game the person "with the most money" was able to bankrupt every other player by just raising every turn. isn't there supposed to be some method to allow a player to call and end the hand so that the person with the most money does not have the ability to automatically win regardless of what he has in his hand?
[12:35] YFwhatah: is it possible for a player with more money to always bankrupt the entire table and force all other players to fold?
[12:36] xtreemtwilight: yea
[12:36] YFwhatah: the other players cannot call and end the hand?
[12:36] xtreemtwilight: if u have a superior hand in the end but there is no option to go "all in"
[12:36] xtreemtwilight: there is no side pot that would split off
[12:36] YFwhatah: it lets you go all in?
[12:36] xtreemtwilight: no...
[12:36] xtreemtwilight: like if u bet all ur money on a hand
[12:37] xtreemtwilight: it automaticly takes you out
[12:37] YFwhatah: right, so even if you have the superior hand ther eis no way for you to win if they opponent has more money and takes advantage of that "bug" right?
[12:37] xtreemtwilight: yea
The player with the most money can 100% always win a hand because there is no option to go "all in"
The person with the most money keeps raising, when other players run out of cash they are automatically removed from the game. the person with the most money can always win.
We have set up house rules to prevent this but it can still happen at any time. IMO the poker game cannot really be considered compeitive until this is addresses
I don't watch enough poker to actually know how this is supposed to work, but i thought that a player who came to the table with less money should have the option to go "all in" in response to an opponent who is making a bet to high to be covered.
(this can be prevented by the poop player getting a cash transfer midgame from another player or by them opening the browser in another tab and spamming posts to get more cash between turns. but this is not optimal if the difference in starting cash is considerable.)