Originally Posted by Quantnet
Another thing
You posted that to show the best answer once, use the <if> statement in the postbit template. I did that, it was fine until I found out that this would cause the PM to not display the body, and just the reply box only.
The PM use the same postbit template so it checks how many post in it.
Any other suggestion?
Can I ask what conditional you used? PM's don't have postid's so if any other poss passed the conditional, PMs should as well. Depending on how your conditional was formatted.
Originally Posted by Quantnet
Hi Gio,
When I enable the stats, in the default style, the stats box show on the right, aligned nicely but in my custom style, it is a bit off.
I think I need to modify the answer_foot and answer_head templates a bit. Can you see the attachment images and suggest some help. I would prefer to have the stat tables move down abit and align to the thread table.
Also, right now, the top helpers show 10, but if I only have 3 helpers, the remaining 7 would be all with 0 answers, the sql would just pull the registered members by their registration date.
Try editing the
Answer Forums - Transform Forumdisplay plugin, and changing:
PHP Code:
eval('$header .= "' . fetch_template("answer_forums_head") . '";');
PHP Code:
eval('$navbar .= "' . fetch_template("answer_forums_head") . '";');