Hey Thanks for the MOD,
However there are few issues with it?
1. I can not delete an Item whenever I do so it takes me to a blank page and nothing happens next.
2. When I add an Item I get this message
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in [path]/business.php on line 524
however the it passes this through the item gets done.
3. As it was mentioned earlier, I am a MAC user and uses FireFox, The layout it not compatible with FireFox.
I have checked in it both Safari and Explorer and the layout is great on those two browsers.
4. Even though I have changed the Max Number of Photos an item can have to 10 I can not add more than 5
5. When you create a category which has a sub-category and then decide to delete it. It gets deleted with no issues however the sub-category will not be deleted with it and the entire content of this sub-category is available and there is no other way to alter it or delete it.
Thanks again