Originally Posted by MattyAsia
The craziest part is, she wasn't saying a prayer for them, she was offering.
Saying a prayer for them without their permission, that may be something to object to.
Offering a prayer, it's an offer, nothing is actually done or performed unless they want it.
If we go with this rule, as diversity, we should respect the diversity of patients who don't like to speak, and not speak to a patient unless spoken to first, or.... I could come up with some more creative stuff, but I'll leave that to you.
This is why I've left the western world and come to Asia, things are so much simpler here.
Might take you up on that Mattyasia
Religion has gone crazy in the UK, Not the actual Religion itself but the way people veiw different Religions.
Only last week, The South Yorkshire Police Dressed 3 women Police Officers in Burkhas for the Day, and let them loose on the streets, Just to show them what its like

Nice to see that the our police force in a time of rising crime, muggings and general discontent have managed to fine the time and resourse to take 3 Police officers away from mainstream policing and parade them is this shabby publicity stunt.
According to Sheffield's police magazine: 'The exercise is just one of many activities South Yorkshire Police has planned with communities and ethnic minority leaders to secure strong relationships, celebrate diversity and encourage integration.'
Leave aside the fact that most reasonable people think the burqa has no place on the streets of Britain, being an oppressive symbol of political and religious fundamentalism.
This patronising stunt is the clearest evidence yet that some sections of the police force have gone stark, staring bonkers.
Those responsible say they want to put themselves 'in the shoes' of members of the community.
How about putting themselves in the shoes of despairing taxpayers, plagued by burglary, street crime and anti- social behaviour and abandoned to their fate by the police.
Or members of the motoring community nicked for doing a few miles an hour over the limit on a deserted road.
Religion is not wrong in itself, but in the way the "do gooders" seem to want to try and portray it for the rest of us.
Give us a break, and stick to your day job