Originally Posted by WIHEE
What do you mean by membership details??? What membership???
By a member of a forum, joining your Website ( which you dont mention is owned by you, in fact you lead people to think its a big site, and you have created a mod for it )
A member needs to give you their forum url. membership ID number
That to me is THEIR DETAILS.
Also unbeknown to forum owners you are hotlinking avatars, without prior consent of the forum owner.
Further, the alt text is 1mfp on every single image, there is no title text. So this is of no benefit to website owners whatsoever.
Further, most sites use SEF urls now, so most users wouldnt know their own ID.
Plus isnt it an invasion of privacy ?
If our board, has members whos profiles, are set as private, then surely this system contradicts that privacy.
Not to mention, link backs from your site, to 99% of forums, is bloody useless, as most forums dont allow guests to view profiles, so again sites are gonna get pathetic link structure and click thrus, resulting in no exposure for the forum, and thus doing it no GOOD.
By asking members to enter their forum, their id etc that is inadvertantly REGISTERING that member with you, however you want to flannel and cover it up.
Mate, as I said ingenious idea, but the only person to gain is you. Its just another 1 million pixels wannabe mod in my honest opinion.