Xtrato. Thanks for the feedback it's what I was looking for. The spacing on the navbar/notices was intentional as was the forums and although I'll leave the spacing in the nav/notice/navbits I think your right about the forum spacing. I'll work on reducing them a little there does seem to be a bit to much spacing between forums.
With regards to the navbar links hovering to another colour I'll look into this also and see what works.
The bright colours, I've seen brighter

I think I may change the forum icon colours, the yellow may be contributing to this vibrancy though this was the kind of look I was looking for being a smiley orientated site but i feel the forum status yellow colour is throwing the whole theme out of whack.
Again, thanks for the critique. I'll work on most of the things you mentioned but most of the colours will probably remain. Never say never though once I start working on one area it will lead to the areas I want to leave alone. Thanks again Xtrato. :up: