Originally Posted by Gn_Snake
Any idea??
Well mate I got same problem and guess what, its all there in installation manual
Iam dumb noob and didnt read all of it, to make links work within user profile you need to place this code in navbar template(on very top):
<script type="text/javascript">
function openRadioAndTV(stationid){
extras = '';
if (stationid) { extras = '?station=' + stationid; }
radioAndTVWindow = window.open('radioandtv.php' + extras, 'radioandtv', 'directories=no,height=500,width=700,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no');
I will go to hit once my head on the wall, bit harder as it was all there and just now I saw that
Dream thank you very much for this awesome mod, hope you will upgrade it for vb4