You can add any .swf you like to the arcade but only .swf that have been modified to allow score submissions will add scores to your highscore tables. These ara archived as tar files on IPB sdownload sites and zip files on v3arcade download sites.
There are currently 4 types of modified IPB games - v2, v3, v32 and AS3 games will all work - v2 being the oldest conversion type and the least secure (higher cheating potential), AS3 being the newest and most secure.
You can also use games that are compatible with v3arcade and pnflashgames, these will be less secure which may result in cheating or manipulation of scores but they will pass scores through to your highscore tables.
If you had a game from say Miniclip that wasn't converted but had the swf and images, you could add this to your site in a non-scoring game category, and people could play for fun.
Hope that makes sense