Originally Posted by mykkal
oh wait i see. you said 1.1. when does 1.1 have an eta? Sorry i asked you out of order. i really thought this was it.
No, 1.1 doesn't have an ETA.
Originally Posted by masterweb
I installed it without problems but each time i try to twitt a thread i'm redirected to a page with the following:
Any help pls?
It seems like you are revoking permissions on Twiter's end, or it is attempting to redirect you. reinstall?
Originally Posted by gniuzvb
Thanks for this great mod. I quickly glanced thru the past 38 pages, but can't seem to find this. Sorry if is repost.
Is there any settings that once a user submitted tweeter authorization, all his subsequent posts and threads are send to tweeter? That will be better instead of waiting for user action to tweet.
Something similar with facebook connect user, where all the threads and replies are posted to facebook profile.
No, there is no auto-tweet.
Originally Posted by Verionia
How can I get the number of users who tweeted the thread or the tweet this button with the stats?
There is currently no way.
Originally Posted by HiPhone
ive a problem. i have installed teh tool ive made the key`s on twitter. first time i`ve clickt the twitter button the alow / deny page from twitter appears. after that the tool did nothing. there are no posts on twitter now when i click the twitter button.
Are you sure you set it up correctly?