I search many website to know how can I Integrate vBulletin with a WordPress theme.
This is might help everyone who want to do the same thing with me.
Check it out:
However, after I follow all instructions, I found that there are two function call the same name as "sanitize_url" both in wordpress and vbulletin, so the author suggest to rename function to something like vb_sanitize_url in vbulletin.
I do that and it works, but not the insert image function.
I upload the photo,it is ok to upload and resize automatic. So I copy the link and use the img function(click on the insertimage button). I paste the link and display in editing mode.
So, i submit my new thread and I didn't see my pic, it shows "http://imgsrc\"http://www.itouchtw.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=3&stc=1&d=1249649306\" >"
Do everyon has any recommand or other way to integrate vb with wordpress. I really need this.
Thanks so much.
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anyone can help me here?