Originally Posted by Zookie
Just to see what would happen I changed line 22 hard-coding 2048 in place of the constant E_STRICT. After doing this AND turning off GZIP HTML the admin page loads though it is displayed on my normal forum template, not in the normal gray vBulletin Admin CP layout. It's odd seeing my site's theme in the right pane when using the Admin CP. Is that normal? Should I consider this the solution to the problem? I really don't know what difference the GZIP HTML option makes (we aren't talking about a large active forum here though I do expect to have some large file uploading and downloading taking place soon).
Interesting - and thanks. I don't get many reports from sites using IIS.
I can't recall why I added the E_STRICT test in that file - it's not used in any other file. So, either hard code the value or get rid of the sequence "& E_STRICT" altogether. You will not create problems. I realise that this created a need for php5, which is presumably why you had the problem.
Otherwise, LDM does not need php 5 - it is happy with the same versions of php/mysql as the rest of vb, as far as I know.
The gzip option tells vb to send info to the browser in a compressed form. This reduces bandwidth, but it has the nasty side effect of creating difficult-to-trace problems if something goes wrong.
What you are seeing on your vb admincp with the ldm admin pages is correct. Way back when LDM was first being written, it was not straightforward to integrate hacks into the admincp, so I decided to have an independent admin page, styled according to the rest of the board. Later on, it became possible to do the integration, but by that time I had written too much admin code to go back and redesign it.