I have my main user. I then created an account named Test which was detected:
A new account by the name of Test has been registered. The new account has been moved to the Prevention Usergroup.
Other recognized logins for this user are:
1. James
So it detected that. I then made Test 2, and that was detected based on the IP (I used Chrome's incognito so it didn't save/load cookies to test if IP was working) and it gave me:
A new account by the name of Test 2 has been registered with the IP address: xx.x.xxx.xx. The new account has been moved to the Prevention Usergroup.
Other users that registered with this IP address are:
1. Test
Why didn't it detect my main user (James) IP address and put that as a 2.?
I don't have Admins bypassing the check by the way, I disabled it for this test purpose.