Originally Posted by cclaerhout
The idea to limit the display of this toolbar for usergroups ID is a good. I was expecting this request ^^. As soon as i get time, I will do it.
Could you please send me by email the test message that might have caused a server crash. Because French vB users have been using this hack for 2 years, and I never heard this kind of problem before. And please, try to do the test of the Very big Picture With & Without my hack ; BB Codes are just CSS or javascript (spoiler), there are not supposed to kill your website. If a problem exists, it might come from my installation code.
mail: cedric.claerhout@free.fr
I will when I get time, just I have no test system, just a live system. I think it was a combination of trying to
A. justify text,
B. resize a picture and
C. deal with too much text in the message. I was doing a preview when it crashed, so it was never saved. Some of these codes are very nice, however my regular users may inadvertently abuse them or combine them in a conflicting way and we'll have a crazy mess of formatted posts

That's why I'd like to see a permissions option. This is no way criticizing your work, just know who our users are