Originally Posted by cclaerhout
...Are these new BB Codes on the BB Codes Manager ? If it's the case, i don't see why this would shut down your server. This hack is just a way to design some BB CODES. What was the message?
I don't know either. I took a really big picture, then put in a bunch of text ( more than that's alllowed by VB) and the combination of too much text and the resizing crashed the db. I tried to take worse case scenario a user would do. Normally if text is too much VB will let you know that it exceeded the limit. I don't have a message, sorry. I will try this again to see if I can replicated during an off time. But let me ask. Is there a way to limit BBCODE use to user groups? More of a general question.
Thank you for doing this for free and supplying support. I appreciate anything that's done at no charge and look forward to using some of these codes. I just want to keep them way from people that may abuse them
