Originally Posted by R1lover
I would think putting your money in a better setup/server is better then putting your money into another host, in this case the cloud setup.
I agree that static images and .js have little to no impact on any of my servers or sites.
There is more to be had with a good server and proper setup.
We have a good server and have run benchmarks with Amazon S3/CF. You cannot get the same global performance from a single server or local cluster than you can with a global CDN.
While your "opinion" is valuable. It is also incorrect because we have alread run the performance numbers and know the gain realized from the global Amazon CDN.
OBTW, Amazon CloudFront services are not "another host", so it seems you enjoy an "opinion" about something you do not understand. CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network with (seven I think, at last count) global geographic locations. It is not a hosting solutions.
We run over 500 metrics on our configuration and know the performance better than an uninformed third party who, frankly speaking, is just "hip shooting".
In fact, in the vBSEO forum, there are a number of users, like us, who server static content off the main server. Some use other hosts, others, like us, use a global CDN.
Sorry to be so direct. Facts are facts.