Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid
I didnt abandon it, it cannot be fixed, BIG fresh pages take time to translate the first time round and mysql gets bored waiting, unless you set the php wait timeout to minutes it cannot be avoided (wgich is bad for security). I dont cmind anyway, it is just a stupid email warning, no error coccus at all and it does not effect the running of the site at all. I just send them to mysql@domain.com and forward them to their own folder in outlook. They can be ignored. As i said i can put up with them for 10k uniques a day, others reported 20k new uniques a day, so i guess they can put up with them also. 
I'm not so sure does it cannot be avoided. Just speculate. But if look into vBulletin source code you can find where exactly session is updated and check does there is a hook which can work after it.
Another possible solution (potentially easier) you already have in your mod - I was working on cache in this mod and have to fight with same problem. If translation takes too long then also connection to vBGT DB was lost. So I just reconnect. Did you try to reestablish connection to vBulletin database at the end of translation?...