Originally Posted by NLP-er
Stop! It's working fine. This error is harmless! You can use this mod and it will work fine. After most pages will translate you those errors will stop occures.
This error is not of this mod, but vbulettin. At the very end of request vbulletin just want to update date of last session activity - and it cannot because session is timeout. It doesn't affect in any way vbulletin or this mod. So you can just ignore it. Dave was working on this, but it looks that he abandon this issue since it is harmless - still annoying of course 
I didnt abandon it, it cannot be fixed, BIG fresh pages take time to translate the first time round and mysql gets bored waiting, unless you set the php wait timeout to minutes it cannot be avoided (wgich is bad for security). I dont cmind anyway, it is just a stupid email warning, no error coccus at all and it does not effect the running of the site at all. I just send them to
mysql@domain.com and forward them to their own folder in outlook. They can be ignored. As i said i can put up with them for 10k uniques a day, others reported 20k new uniques a day, so i guess they can put up with them also.