You haven't really provided anything that is beneficial to the british citizens from joing the european union. Have you benefitted in any way? I would say you have which anwsers a question which you failed to answer.
The only people who are befitting from the uk joining the eu are the floods of immigrants that are enjoying the perks of our country and the freebies that are handed to them on a plate.
What gives a immigrant in this country to get priority from using the nhs and medical services over a britain that has paid their taxes and national insurance contributions? foreign nhs workers who cannot speak english and because they wouldn't not understand sit there looking dumb whilst a patient is dieing in pain because the medication they got is the wrong one.
The difference with me and you is that I remain to be realistic and see the downward spiral this country is going were you ignore the real life issues and want to quote documents and maybe even look at surveys/statistics that have been manipulated by the government for their own agendas. Who's the narrow minded one? You'll find that you face that person in the mirror every morning.
It's got nothing to do with your academic credentials but rather your stupidity. Try walking out the door and opening your eyes.