I posted this over at vBadvanced earlier today and thought it may be of use to members here.
I found this site while searching for an "acronym translator".
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lookup.htm#sitecontent <<
Not only do they have an online dictionary/acronym checker but they make this and the code for and several other useful "widgets" available for webmasters and the code is free.
There is no point me creating a module for any of the several available scripts as choices like style/width/font/language can be configured to your tastes / needs.
These are available in the following languages :
Espa?ol Spanish
Deutsch German
Fran?ais French
Italiano Italian
中文简体 Chinese Simplified
Portugu?s Portuguese
Nederlands Dutch
Norsk Norwegian
Ελληνική Greek
Русский Russian
Code is available for the following blocks :
Word of the Day || Article of the Day|| This day in history ||Today's birthday || In the News|| Quote of the Day || Spelling Bee || Match Up ||Hangman .
These will make good modules in portals etc.
(I have no connection with the site other than now being a user of the free offerings.)