Thanks for releasing a useful mod, Paul.
I'm curious if there's a way the script can look for "<!-- unread posts -->" instead of (where highlighted in red):
$vbphrase['welcome_x_link_y'] .= '</strong><br />'.$unread.'<strong>'; // 3.7 Onwards Phrase
When I replace the red with "<!-- unread posts -->" it gave me a parse error.

As a resolve I either removed $unread (in blue) or removed the red (shown below):
'</strong><br />'.$unread.'<strong>'; // 3.7 Onwards Phrase
"<!-- PEMDATA38: {$data_dup['title']} : Version = {$data_dup['version']} : Revision = {$data_dup['cvs']} -->";
The mod seems to work when either edit was applied. Is that ok or is there a more efficient way of doing it?