I have added this to the main statistics block with this code:
PHP Code:
<div class="smallfont"><br />
Forums: 375, $vbphrase[threads]: $totalthreads, $vbphrase[posts]: $totalposts, $vbphrase[as_total]: $+++++++_as_total [$+++++++_as_total_space], $vbphrase[as_total_downloads]: $+++++++_as_total_downloads
(somehow there is a filter on vb.org that disallows '$ v i e t v b b' to be posted and turns it into ++++++
How do I disable the display of attach statistics block, so that I only show it in my main statistics block?
It would be optimal to replace the plugin with one that hooks into forumhome_wgo_stats
How do I do this? I have currently replaced the template forumhome_attact_stats with the above code, but I am pretty sure that this is bad coding practice. Can someone please advise?