I was doing some reading and found some information i wanted to share . so i copied a paragraph from the site and pasted it on my post ... and whats this ? .....
Pure brilliance !!! they have it coded to add a link back
AMAZING ! And we all can benefit from this !! We must have this mod on our boards !
check out this page:
Copy where it says...
Adolph Hitler wanted a car that the common citizen could afford. Hitler heard about Ferdinand Porche's prototypes of an inexpensive automobile that fit his goals of a car for the masses. The German government decided to give a contract to Porsche to build more prototypes in hopes of creating a peoples car, or in German the Volkswagen.
and then paste it some where and note:
Adolph Hitler wanted a car that the common citizen could afford. Hitler heard about Ferdinand Porche's prototypes of an inexpensive automobile that fit his goals of a car for the masses. The German government decided to give a contract to Porsche to build more prototypes in hopes of creating a peoples car, or in German the Volkswagen.
Read more: http://inventors.suite101.com/articl...#ixzz0MzlUzdP5
This is awesome !