OK I Just Installed 2.4 Ver Of Chat Box! WooHoo!
Great News the Chatbox Now Shows up on all the pages I specified including the IBProArcade. Woot!
Now For the Bad News

My BB Code Nor Smilies Columns will show up no matter what I do to try and get them to show up. ( Moving Chatbox on Page, Moving The Input Field) If I am on a different page Like Member page or Arcade , clicking one of the BB Code Or The Smilies Icon will bring me back to my forum Home Page.
Another big issue is when first bringing up a page the chatbox will not populate until you hit the refresh button.
This Has the same problems on Firefox, Chrome & IE and Multiple Computers, Let Me know if you want me to try anything. I am a Paid BF Member. (2borno2b)
Separating the notifications from Chatbox was a good idea except it does not put the notifications next to the chat box instead it puts it at the top of the forum. Not Good nor beneficial. Here's An Idea Have The Notification Window Below Chatbox Like The BB Code And Smilies option. Users can Turn it on Or Off Just Like The BB Code or The Smilies.

Hence I have reverted back to 2.32 , and the chatbox is still working on all assigned pages. WooHoo!