Originally Posted by Shelley_c
I can't even complain more about the EU. I agree with basically everything UKlive said and more. 75% of our laws coming from Brussels and it's a wonder why (speaking of britain) has gone to the dogs.
That is not an explanation. I do get tired of explaining how the laws of the EU are made.
Basically, the European Parliament is at the center - the guy you elected to represent you.
They decide
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
Like I said, it was a case where I wanted the conservative party to be elected because they were always against oining the EU. Tony blairs (labour party) mistake was folding to Brussels demands in joining.
oh dear!
We (the conservatives) took you into Europe, we signed the Single European Act, and the Maastricht treaty.
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
I'll say what I said about 10 months ago, the economic good times are over we lived through them.
The only countries the EU benefit are these countries that had no economic growth from the start which are a step up from these 3rd world countries. How could the likes of Romania and their neighbouring countries be accepted I'll never know because it damaged Britain greatly.
I cannot walk into a shop or make a phone call to services without being on the phone to a foreign person who I cannot understand. Because they work for cheap labour, it's stops jobs that were created meant to be for the countries residents to begin with. [/QUOTE]
This basically a nationalistic rant. You dislike 'foreign' people who go abroad and you don't understand them. You clearly haven't seen the British in Spain and Portugal!
Jobs are available to anyone who can do it. End of. If certain groups of people (more statements backed up by nothing) are more economic to employ then that is how business flows.
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
War veteran - Injured during the fighting in Iraq, Afghan, forget any kind of compensation You'll be screwed, we'll give immigrants the great benefits but if you fought for your country you are screwed to compensate for these bums entering. And when they do enter, they are protesting and throwing objects, jeering at our soldiers. Pffft. Ridiculous.
Rubbish. There is no indication that EU members have thrown objects at a soldier

... this is ridiculous. You quite simply dislike foreign people and will blame the EU.
You forget that the UK, Ireland and other European countries were once the bums that relied on the US!
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
Edit: The UN however, Are/where put there for a reason. Do we wan't another country invading another European country? Look what happened in world war 2. Bosnia. At least, that is serving a purpose. Soldiers are their to protect it's the guys who pull the strings in government that have their personal agenda that are the scums of the earth.
What does this have to do with the thread!
I take it you hate the UN for letting in those horrible scum immigrants who want to improve their lives! I have to admit, this does have a hint of BNPness, as opposed to conservative views.
Right, now that I elliminated a good few "The Sun" based arguments against EU membership, it is in interesting to note the arguments for the EU. I am sure we have all heard the "its a globalised world, we need to be in a group", afterall the EU is the biggets economy now. There are hidden benefits. I am an EU law student, so I'll name a few:
1) The prevention of indirect trade barriers.
2) The enforcement of free-trade
against governments and the free movement of businesses and workers.
3) A way in which businesses invest in the UK to get inside the EU area, because once you produce in the EU you can export anywhere in it without paying a tariff. We couldn't achieve this outside the EU, because countries would pick and choose the goods on which they have tariffs, fragmenting the market.
4) Getting rid of out-of-date and unjustifiable laws. Such as the privacy laws in the UK.
--------------- Added [DATE]1249173680[/DATE] at [TIME]1249173680[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
If the UK was not in The EU, I can't see it not trading with EU countries??
Americia is not in the EU and we sell alot of Americian Beers here, Costa rica, where nearly all of our bannas come from is not in the EU, So i doubt that the EU can tell its member states don't trade with the UK because its not in the UK, If it did it would be a dicatorship and not promoting free trade.
Alot of our UK laws now come from Brussels, These laws are letting imigration get out of control with people citing the "Human Rights Act"
The Human Rights Act is one of Labours biggist mistakes, Here in the UK we have a system of legal Aid in which the Goverment helps out with legal fees for those that cannot afford a Lawyer or Solicitor (Attorny) Now with the Human rights act, legal aid has now costing the UK Taxpayer over 22.5 million GBP
With cases such as rapist amd Murders using the Human rights act to get out of prision early etc..
Blair only agreed to this as his wife is a Human Rights lawyer who was set to make ?????, if it became law, So far, it help Murders, rapist and terrorists escape justice. Did you know the UK has one of the Highest populations of terrorist, wanted by other countries but allowed to Stay in the UK because of the Human rights???
I'm not at all keen to let my country be a safe haven for the worlds worst terrorist, who if not in jail are living on benefits and housing provided by the UK taxpayer.
Gordon Brown for Years kept begging Tony Blair to let him be Prime Minister and one of his Promises was that we would have a Vote on whether we the UK taxpayer will want to Join the EU, and Lose all soverignty and our money.
If I had the Choise of Chosing The Queen, Our Currancy, and Our Indepenance against a corupt EU, Their failing Euro, and That lying prat Blair, I'd know where my vote would be 
Although I don't post a lot on this site, I do find you amusing and interesting here but these views are rather disappointing. It is imperative that everyone is given a fair trial with an advocate (if appropriate) provided. Innocent until proven guilty, after all! That is one of the many traits of this legal system that make me truly proud. The Human Rights Act is the only legislation where UK citizens' are enforced by the courts pro-actively - where the judges had the power to condemn an Act as 'incompatible' if it breaches our rights. This has nothing to do with Blair (or such youtube conspiracies) but with empowering ordinary citizens.
We already lost our sovereignty the day we joined the EU, the referendum you speak of isn't going to change anything at the end of the day. Also, you say we lost sovereignty but the reality we all have a say in the future of Europe. You vote in MEPs who in turn sit in the European Parliament. Here the EP consults all the other bodies with regards to legislation, so in effect nothing can happen without the consent of Parliament (the people we elect!). So unless you have anything more than the usual moan about banana legislation (which interestingly shows a lack of understanding of why the EU even exists), then we do in fact have our sovereignty.
I have yet to see how the EU, as a whole, is corrupt. That is a rather substantial allegation to make!
Originally Posted by RedeemedWarrior
serves the purpose for which it was really created, but doesn't do anything Good for anyone
It's all a big conspiracy!