Another thing we found in our previous game is that 90% of players gravitated to 3 out of 10 nations. This caused a huge inbalance in player numbers leaving most nations with a couple of players and prime targets against the bigger nations.
So I implemented the following if .... else .... then statement around the join nation button to help spread players across all nations. Basically, if the player percentage of that nation is lower than a set threshold then the join button is active, otherwise you get a message saying recruitment disabled for that nation. For us I used 20% of all players in the game as the threshold, but you can change it to whatever works for the number of nations you have. For example, with 3 nations you would probably want to set this threshold to 50%, so no nation has more than half the total players.
In style manager open conquest_enlist_bit and find the form submission for joining a nation. Replace it with this:
<if condition="$nation[AVGplayerID] < 20">
<form action="$filename?do=homebase" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
<input type="hidden" name="joinrequest" value="$nation[nationID]" />
<input type="submit" value="<phrase 1="$nation[nName]">$vbphrase[conquest_enlist_join]</phrase>" />
<else />
Recruitment disabled. Join other Civ.