Is that a backhanded slight? Wow - didn't expect that one Dean...
Anyway - Yes I have done quite a few designs that I'm really proud of - most of them do not appear in my JacquiiDesigns portfolio unfortunately - and I'm so lazy that I cannot be bothered to update it anytime in the near future anyway. In fact the site itself is unfinished.
I do indeed believe I have excellent taste when it comes to designing for my client though. I have a nice list of testimonials and will be happy to provide references if needed. I do not know if I have ever consulted with you GSeybold - but for some reason I've a weird vybe... IDK...
Anyway - I will be happy to consult with you on graphics design. My contact info is at
btw - if that was a negative little commentary Dean - You know where to stick it. Otherwise... Whatever.