INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/(\\d){6}/', 'username', 'Ban on username containing 6 or more digits', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/(chongsoft)/', 'email', 'Ban on email containing specified string.', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/^(.{2})(beads|pearls)/i', 'username', 'Ban on username beginning with two letters followed by the string pearls.', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/^(.{2})(beads|pearls)/i', 'email', 'Ban on email beginning with two letters followed by the string pearls.', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/(forex)/i', 'username', 'Ban on username containing the string forex', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/^(abcd|bcde|cdef|defg|efgh|fghi|ghij|ijkl|jklm|klmn|lmno|mnop|nopq|opqr|pqrs|qrst|rstu|stuv|tuvw|uvwx|vwxy|wxyz|)\d{3,10}$/i', 'username', 'Ban on username containing the string 4 letter alphabet succession followed by 3 to 10 digits', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/(wowgold)/i', 'username', 'Ban on username containing the string wowgold', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section) VALUES ('/(wowgold)/i', 'email', 'Ban on email containing the string wowgold', 'registration')
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(online gold)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(wowgold)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(xrumer)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(forex)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(propecia)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(viagra)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(runescape)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(sunmanga)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(bjsattv)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(12hot)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)
INSERT INTO `usernewregrxmap` (RegularExpressionValue, FieldName, Description, Section, PostCountToDisableRule) VALUES ('/(cheapwatches)/i', 'message', 'Ban on signature message containing the string', 'signature', 10)