Wow. I think I hosed my site.
I went through every step meticulously, and got my WP to post to my VB. The test post worked. I then mapped my user groups. Everything was ticking along fine. I turned on Auto-Integration. So far so good. Then I logged out of my admin account and into my vBulletin test account, and posted a test post in an article. It worked. The post showed up in Wordpress, though not in vBulletin. No big deal though, since I simply want my vBulletin users to be able to use the Wordpress front page. So I thought I'd see what happens when I click "log-out."
The screen went white. Nothing there.
I went to my Wordpress Admin panel, and clicked reload. The screen there went white too.
Hmmm... I deleted both functions.php files and then reloaded them and it restored the site. Basically, it appears that if I log out of wordpress, I crash the entire site? Or is it just a local cache thing?
Any insights?