Originally Posted by Forgott3n
Finally got the MySQL issue sorted out.
Now we have a standard issue with the scheduled task. This is the output:
<b>Network:</b> bandaids<br/><b>Destination Node:</b> evant<br/><b>Node service URL:</b> http://evan.bandaiders.com/forums/network/service.php<br/><b>Package file:</b> (./network/packets/outgoing/bandaids.evant.xml)<br/><b>Package size:</b> 3183 bytes<br/><b>Response:</b><br/><textarea cols=80 rows=15><response>
<result type="error">invalid $networkinfo for nework (bandaids)</result>
Below is a screencast going over all of our settings and layout (so you can see we've set everything up correctly!). Note we did set the forums to the "bandaids" network in their options and their ids both to 999.
As a follow-up to what my partner wrote, we don't have a huge budget but we would be willing to pay someone for their time if they can help us get this set up and working for us!
Is anyone willing/able?