Interesting... One of my members opened 'yeti ridiculous longshot', started it and went off to play another game. After quite a while the penguin landed and oddly enough the score registered with the unrelated *other* game he was playing at that moment (being hexxagon).
Odd being that it's visible as the best score of all time for hexxagon (even though 16K is quite impossible), and it doesn't register in any other way - can't find the score with the score tools, and updating high scores / best results thus doesn't have any effect.
(EDIT: turns out a fellow admin deleted the actual score before I started troubleshooting and didn't tell me... still, that 'best score of all time' is still there and it won't go away with the score recalculation tools)
Is there any way other than deleting *all* the hexxagon scores to fix this (assuming that *would* get rid of it), and would it be possible to add some kind of random game session code for score submission, to prevent cross game postings like this?