Just pointing out what Saviour just said completely solved any issues with it not appearing on VB Advanced pages.
To fix it go in to the vmoods template, find the 2 sets of heights & widths and actually enter in the size for the image set you are using rather than letting it find out for you.
<style type="text/css" id="vmoods_css">
<if condition="$vboptions['vmoods_li_option'] == 'vmoods_li_image'">
#vmoods_menu div ul.list li{
height: 30px;
#vmoods_menu div ul.list{
width: 93px;
<div id="vmoods_menu_$vboptions[vmoods_icon_set]">
<a id="vmoods" href="index.php?">
<img id="vmood_mine" src="$vboptions[bburl]/vmoods/$vboptions[vmoods_icon_set]/$bbuserinfo[vmood].gif" alt="$bbuserinfo[vmood]"
title="$bbuserinfo[vmood]" width="93px" height="30px" />
<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("vmoods", 1);</script>
<br clear="all" />
Above is what it should look like if you are using the Shelly set. For the classic set just change the parts in red so the sizes are correct.