Originally Posted by gpc10347
(Did the username formatting make it into this one - paid or otherwise?)
Dunno what issue you are talking of ?
Originally Posted by icarusforde
I'm having some problems getting the commands to work - any ideas with this?
All the /**** things, ban, ban show, etc - none of these seem to be working.
Have you checked the help in the chatbox ?
Originally Posted by gpc10347
Nice work - Bought it - installed it - uninstalled and deleted the files as the folks here mentioned and it's great!
Tiny issue with the Private Chat tab.. the chat pops into the bottom and I need to scroll to see it. The normal chat tab is the other way... Chats from top as I selected it.
Seems Editing a chat in private chat doesn't easily return to a non-editing input...
(for me) Tried clicking out of the field.. refreshing.. etc
Finally - I put a question in for the bot and gave it a name.. What triggers it to reply?
(And if anyone has it workin on vBAdvanced..)
It answers to the sentences you set in the admincp.
Originally Posted by jazde86
How can I disable the notifications in one style (iPhone/Mobile Style) and enable it in other styles?
You can't, sorry.
Originally Posted by warnmar10
Somewhere along the way I made a change that has the system deleting shouts after about an hour. I can't seem to find it again to increase that interval. Does anyone know where that setting is?
In the scheduled tasks perhaps ?