Hi Sofia - My favourite Designer
I just installed this skin/style and trust me this was the best one so far, I mean i was searching for the similar theme since many days and it fullfilled all my required

so first of all Thanks a lot for this wonderful sharing
Now I have a question:
I uploaded all the files at images/styles folder and noticed this skin didn't work that way, so i had to change the image path from ACP>>>Styles & Manager>>>Mister Gutty Light>>> All Fonts Options >>> Image Path to images/styles/gutty.....
I also edited the link from the Header from images/Gutty_Light to images/styles/Gutty_Light and everything worked fine a part from one problem.
Now i can see all the pictures at the right place, all the colours, designs and background are working fine but few links underneath the header are not at the right place. I mean FAQ, Community, Calender and other links are showing at the right hand corner underneath the Header
I have attached a picture so you can understand what i am trying to say
Please help