Originally Posted by ZiG
lol, now im getting called ignorant.
I said your
post was ignorant, as it is. I never said
you were ignorant.
As far as your requests:
All you have to do is look at the mod, and understand it to see that what you're after is already there (sans the email, which is going to be rather hard, if not impossible, to do, given that Facebook doesn't actually
give out email addresses). I understand you're new at using it, but that doesn't mean that what you're after isn't already there, as I pointed out.
Originally Posted by SoFresh
well it's a good thing I didn't ask you. hmm. alright then.
If you had to deal with the number of requests (5-10/day) for 'free' support, you'd do something too. I'm
happy to help out in this thiread, but at some point, common sense must come into play. MOST people respect the fact that I do what I do here for this mod for nothing, but there are a few that just can't understand that and push the point.