well my view is :
regardless if the cop swore at him after he was arrested - who really cares.
The cops should of got him in the cell and kicked seven tonnes of crap out of him and then strapped him in a chair and tortured him for the next few hours.
Dont sound nice does it - well neither does the crimes they commit on innocent people.Remember for every crime there an innocent Victim,but who cares about victims these days ?
I myself believe the police should have more powers (not less) - and yes i would gladly pay more tax towards more prisons being built but on thinking about it - if we never gave as much away to other countries and took care of ourself first then we proberly would`nt be in this mess in the 1st place.
Anyway back on topic - marco u are wrong and its do gooders like you that make the system what it is.If a cop swears at you or abuses you take it on the chin - remember this man is the criminal and sometimes they need taking down a peg or two and put back into their place.
2 many do gooders in the world thats half the problem and the other half of the problem is everyone has gone PC.