Originally Posted by Shelley_c
There are people who like to dictate notes and feel that the judge will always make the correct choice. People that basically sit on the fence that know nothing and/or experienced nothing. Type of people that basically live in a fairy tale world.
Marco, if you knew what kind of impact knife crime does to the victim you may have a case but I can honestly say I feel your the type that has experienced much in the way of knife/gun crime. Even with the evidence all set to commit the criminal they only need to use the human rights act (I call it abusing it) you may call it creative thinking? I dunno, you never really said apart from pointing out other peoples concerns in this thread though you seem to sit on the fence about a criminal that has probably wrecked multiple peoples lives.
Confidence in judges in the UK is low. Has been for a long time now. Might be different from where you are but in the united kingdom there's a different picture being painted with killers serving two years, paedophiles getting let off after raping 2 year old girls, all because of the human rights act and of course the infamous "I'm ++++ing insane" I should be put into a luxury, low security hotel and kill again on day release.
I'd love for you too stay a week in my town and your view of things would change in a heart beat. Judging by your comments and not coming from the united kingdom I'd guess you know nothing about the justice system here and how criminals benefit from the outcome of trials which 9/10 are a complete farce.
I know I said it would be my last comment but people who sit on the fence i find to be cowards at the best times.
edit: Didn't the immigrants enter the uk two or three days ago uklive?
Shelley what i have experienced has nothing to do with the only point i ever wanted to make in this thread: People are being asked, and are too much happy to comply, to base an opinion on biased and incomplete information.
Nowehere i have said that i agreed with either the criminal, nor the policeman. All i am saying is that if you want to make a case, provide the information needed to base an opinion on. And in the original post this was not the case.
You can continue trying to provoke me into taking a position on the topic you want, but i am not getting myself mixed up in that.