Originally Posted by Tim Skellett
But not because of the Labour govt, but because some very pushy financial types managed to cause a credit-crunch conflagration, and the govt had to pour money in to save the entire economy.
Those pushers of "financial instruments" and subprime mortgage sales have caused far more damage to you and me than young street thugs ever will.
Tim , This has nothing to do with the Credit Crunch, before all that, labour have nearly doubled the Taxes that the average UK Taxpayer pays, Through Stealth Taxes and charges.
Just do a search on google "UK Taxes under labour", Its quite Frightening
Anyway Lets not panic too much about the HRA, But move on to my Second Story of the night....
Fancy Illegal imigrants getting ?1700 (2000 euro's) of UK Tax money in france to go home, without setting a single foot on UK soil.
Are we wasting money here, Will it encourage more illegals to join the line for this free payout??
Your thoughts as always