PROBLEM 1: Photopost Pro Database Error
I imported the new xml file for adding Photopost Pro. Your XML file has the wrong table prefix so a database error is created when doing a recount.
When I tried to do a recount of: Update Experience Points I get the following database error because the table prefix in the xml fle is: pp6.
MySQL Error : Table 'xxxxxxxxx.pp6_photos' doesn't exist
Edit the photopost_pro.xml file. On line #50 change: FROM pp6_photos to your Photopost Pro table prefix which is usually just pp_ without the 6. This solves the database issue when performing a recount after this product is installed.
Problem 2: Ranking Pagination Breaks Layout
On the ranking page the pagination is a big problem the numbers go way way off the right side of the page! This update didn't fix this it really broke it!
Pending??? (See Screenshot)