4.0.0 Released
Because many people was asking about automatic creation of new tags I was thinking how to satisfy all - those who want to have full control, those who like to control from time to time, and those who don't care and just want to have new tags.
I introduce new
tags propositions feature. Right now whenever new post will be written for each word from title which is not tag yet will be automatically created tag proposition. You can easily manage tags propositions by approve or disapprove it. All approved propositions are automatically changed to tags and will be automatically assigned by scheduled job (at night). All disapproved propositions will never shown again as proposal.
And for those who like to check from time to time or not at all - you can also configure quarantine time for tags propositions. After this time propositions will be automatically approved and changed to tags
Hope you will like the idea. Now if you want you still have control and it is easier to create new tags which are up to date to new posts (just select checkbox in proposition). And if you want you can just set 0 quarantine time and new tags will be automatically created and assigned in next night