Originally Posted by enry
1) I own my users
No you don't. You just have the illusion of 'owning' your users. If you're THAT paranoid about your users leaving you, then you might want to consider packing it in. Google puts your forum right next to every other forum, as does every search engine.
Originally Posted by enry
2) Charging for the client.
This is the best model, and the one that makes the most sense. The developer has to make money from the app, and there's no question that this app was definitely needed. With the licensing model of Apple, the dev had to front money to take care of this before it was even out the door.
Originally Posted by enry
One hint - if you want to have any chanceof attracting serious forum owners, make sure you integrate some means in your solution of preserving third party content placement in the site (advertising), else my supporters may feel they have no reason to keep paying for the service that keeps my forum alive.
Do you even
get what this is? This is a 'mobile' client, not a full client. Of COURSE people aren't going to switch to this directly. This is an
alternative to using a real client. The features of this client are dumbed down so much that you don't
want to use it constantly, but it provides enough functionality that you CAN keep in touch with the forum. At last check, they WERE planning an alternative advertisement structure, but you can NOT put regular full sized ads on a mobile platform, it'll screw it ALL up.
Get over yourself, stop complaining, and start treating people with respect man, your post was comical at best. This app is very well needed, and whiners like yourself should either develop their own app (yeah right) or just take their whining somewhere else.