Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
Chess wont function on vb 3.7*
either will Reversi
Other than that, great app.
they should, if there is something wrong it will get dealt with.
Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
What happens when people are within the same LAN of the IP address?????
IP addresses have nothing to do with it.
Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
However, the Vb credit value can be manipulated through the RAM's hexes using a 8bit float. Should be looked into.
The only thing changing the cash value would do would be make it show up on the screen different. All calculations are handled on the back end.
Originally Posted by stevectaylor
I get DB error when loaded, is it only supported php5?
No, have had it working on php 4 sites, what error are you getting?
If a couple of you guys that can't get the board games going on your site could pm me 2 accounts with access to the gameroom and a link to it I can probably work out what's wrong by trying to get a game going with myself.