There are 2 problems with your licensing / business model model:
1) You own the customer. I own my users and don't want them to launch your client and have my forum appear right next to my competitor's, with god knows what advertising appearing in between. Maybe there isn't any advertising (now), but that's not the point. My issue is I have no control as to what appears until my forum's content is accessed.
2) Charging for the client. Virtually none of my 75K users will pay to install this app. If it were free, you have a snowball chance in hell of people installing, provided I were to sign up on my end. Earlier in this thread, you said, charge forum owners. Good idea, right ? Of course, when considering how you've positioned the product, it doesn't make sense to put any obstacle in the signing up new content since you are looking to create a portal application. So it's in your interest to have as many forums as possible so as to make it more attractive (install our app, your portal to 1 zillion forums, etc...).
The app looks interesting and well done, kudos for that, but business wise, I just can't be motivated to help Tapatalk acquire new customers at the expense of my users.
One hint - if you want to have any chanceof attracting serious forum owners, make sure you integrate some means in your solution of preserving third party content placement in the site (advertising), else my supporters may feel they have no reason to keep paying for the service that keeps my forum alive.