Originally Posted by Lynne
Try following this article in creating your custom page - [How-To] vBulletin API Basics: Creating Custom Pages & Misc.. You have things in a different order - global called before some variables are defined. I had noticed before on my own pages that I had problems when I didn't include all the different pre-cached template groups and data arrays, even though they were empty.
how do i change order in which templates are getting called?? I mean can you tell me where do i need to change exactly??? like in template? or in custom page code i've posted above?
because code order in both pages i've posted above is same...
I need to call my main template in vbulletin i.e. orkut rite before :
# navbar
# navbar_link
# navbar_notifications_menubit
and just after
# footer
thnaks a lot for noticing.... i followed API docs thread only while designing custom pages