hello, anyone?
xin chao, minh co download vietkey of day:
minh upload clientscript files vo clientscript folder va includes files vo includes folder. Xong minh vo admin roi chon duoi Styles & Templates la Download / Upload Styles:
EITHER upload the XML file from your computer: C:\Documents\nhacviet\vbulletin-style-vn.xml
OR import the XML file from your server: ./install/vbulletin-style.xml doi thanh ./install/vbulletin-style-vn.xml
Merge Into Style..... minh cho.n --Default Style
roi nhan nu't import
minh luon nhan duoc error ba'o la`:
Importing Style, Please Wait...
vBulletin Message
Invalid File Specified
Cac ba.n lam on chi? cho minh voi nhe.. cam on rat nhieu