Well i just left a post or two at vbulletin.com and i will post one here too. This is a bunch of crap. Vbulletin 4.0 can be purchased seperately. But for those that purchased the vbblog and didn't want the vbulltin project toos crap, you will now be forced to purchase a suite which will consist of vbblog, vbproject tools, and vbCMS. If you want to continue to use your blog with vbulletin, you are going to have to stay with the vbulletin 3.8 and the last vbblog update 2.02.
Although there isn't anything any of us can do about it, it still pisses me off that vbulletin.com's project tools was a failure, the blogs almost a failure, and the cms will really be a failure since most people use vbadvanced or phpportal cms software, and now if i want to continue using the updated versions of vbblog, i have to purchase the suite that is full of garbage. Some that have new sites may benefit from this, but my site has been up for a few years now and i personally can't afford to pay for vbulletin.com's problems over software nobody wants.
Heck, i just paid a 30% rate increase for my vbulletin yearly renewel, which was fine. But i am going to loose my blog system now, do to vbulletins bad business practices.....If people at this point don't believe the suite set up, go to vbulletin.com and read the post on this. They don't even have the decency to make it an announcement. You will just find that your next renewel letter will have a huge increase and the sad announcement that you can no longer use your blog system, unless you pay the blackmail rates...........
And please, don't tell me to calm down......I have every right to be pissed as many of the other user's of vbulletins software. Pure and simple, this is a bunch of crap.