I described the problem here as well:
but basically, on one of my forums, people write really long (tens of thousands of words long) stories, using a word processor like MSFT WORD.
vbulletin tech support told me:
If you use the Enhanced editor (aka WYSIWYG) then you can copy and paste rich text into your post and it will preserve the formatting within the limits of BB code.
but this is simply not so. Even when my writers convert to RTF format and copy and paste into the WYSIWYG enhanced editor, formatting, italics, etc. are not retained.
I create RTF documents. I copy and paste them from one program to another (for example, from MSFT WORD to Apple Pages or to a simple TextEditor). Formatting remains, so formatting is definitely being carried over via the copy/paste function.
However, this is not happening when I copy and paste into the WYSIWYG enhanced editor on a MACintosh/Firefox.