Originally Posted by McCarroll21
Is there a way to make the gameroom box stretch to fill the entire page?
Nope, the size is fixed so that things stay in the proper place. If you want to give it a try you can edit the dimensions in the gameroom template for the embedded flash file (set to 100%) but it will probably look funny
Originally Posted by hIBEES
What more do you get for paid version?
This is the dugs bollocks 
Poker games can use Spread, pot limit or no limit betting. You can set up a stake (players buy in for 100) with a multiplier on it (buy in for 100, multiplier = 100, players play with 10000 chips)
Board games can use time control (Blitz, standard, increment), and optionally the ranking system (ELO)
Betting component can used fixed moneyline odds, rather then just a pool.
Your logo in the lobby.
Additional games will go into the paid one, but likely not this one.
Originally Posted by kylek
Is there admincp settings?
No, the settings are stored separately.
Originally Posted by andie215
Ignore that, as said i pasted the change into the language.php  :up: and its fine...
Your best bet is to do it through the admin tab, but you don't need to export. The export is if you want to export all of your changes and import them somewhere else (ie translating to another language).
Making the change in the language.php file will work, but if the file gets updated you have to make any changes you made again.